Minggu, Agustus 29, 2021


And.. we arrived at the final point of Generasi Gigih Intermediate Phase. The technical class for this phase is finally over. It was such a fun and challenging journey. Two months is not a short time for me, there were many insights, knowledge, and experience I got in this phase. I wish I can continue to the next phase but up to this point I am already very grateful for everything I had in Generasi Gigih.

Everyone was celebrating their own biggest win in Generasi Gigih

My final technical in this phase. I will really miss this 5pm-8pm, class. 

My progress so far in backend engineering...

8 weeks ago I was a graduate of Informatics.. and I still am. I have learned about programming in college, but this class is different. Because I only have a little experience in working as a backend engineer, the "best practice of something" is always been my question.  I am grateful that I got the chance to ask any questions to the mentors.  

I did know the basic theory of programming, like algorithm and data structure, object-oriented programming. I also have learned some programming languages such as Java and Python. I have made a simple website and API before too. I did everything as my college assignments or personal project. But I never evaluated the code that I made. 

After Genereasi Gigih, I reflect on all the codes that I made and wonder how to make them better. This program encourages me not to simply just make lines of code but we have also put our minds and heart into writing those codes. Even though I have learned to program, I also still learned many things and I got the chance to re-learn again. I learn about Ruby and Sinatra, deployment, CI/CD, The principles of clean code, microservice, in a nutshell, unit testing and TDD, refactoring, and many more. Actually, I was still unsure about my career path before. I like to explore anything such as UI UX, front-end engineering. But backend engineering has always been making me curious. It turned out that I love backend engineering more after I attended the Generasi Gigih class. I'll be exploring a lot more on backend engineering in the future. 

Skills I have developed in these 8 weeks...

As you know, Generasi Gigih provides me with various classes from technical class, English class, to soft-skill class. From all those classes, I learn how to communicate better, how to present your idea clearly, and how to respect each other. I also start to practice more on how to develop critical thinking.

" Make it work, then make it better "

The mentors in technical class always said we can focus on making a code work first then make it better in terms of clean code and design. I used to make my codes only work and now I have been developing skills on how to make them better. The technical class has given me eye-opening insights into clean code and code design. Now I also have understood more about the basics of testing. From my final project, I learn how to deploy my code to GCP server. I got many basic things from technical class as a provision for me to explore more. I still need to work more on applying everything that I have learned especially in deploying and CI/CD, get used to working in a team using git, designing better codes, and enrich myself with the various syntax of programming languages. And I also have to develop my logical thinking when writing codes by practicing problem-solving quizzes. I have developed many skills in Gigih but I also still need to develop much more skills in the future.

Besides technical skills, I also developed my English skill here. Thanks Generasi Gigih x CAKAP! I learned so much here. Thanks to the teacher who always encouraged me to speak in English and patiently corrected me when I had a mistake. I don't know how much I am developed in English because I haven't taken any tests to prove my skill but I am now much more confident in speaking English. By joining the free class of Cakap Club almost every day, taking English Class every Tuesday and Thursday with Cakap, speaking and learning technical skills in English every Friday, and writing this weekly reflection in English really increases my confidence. I know I am still having mistakes in English but I am still confident because I know I am learning. All of those English activities also push me to have my own English Learning programs because I want to get better. Speaking and writing in English have never been easy things to do for me, so I push myself a lot doing them. 

Not only practical skills, Generasi Gigih also provides me an Individual Development Plan mentoring and Career Readiness class. I learn how to design my life so I can work step by step to achieve my goals. Thanks to Kak Hera who shared many insights about creating an IDP. The career readiness class also taught me so many things start from how to have good personal branding, preparing for interviews, to work ethics in tech industries. That would be very useful for my future career. Thanks XLFL x Generasi Gigih!

Good habits I learn from Generasi Gigih...

1. Learn, learn, and learn more

"Stay foolish, stay hungry". I built this habit start from having the curiosity about unclear or unspoken things in class. I took note of everything I learn so I would know what I've learned and what I have to learn more. The mentors also always gave me other reference links to learning sources. I kept them all and read them sometimes or explore the related topics by myself.  They made me realize no matter how good they are, they always learn something new. 

2. Speaking/writing/reading in English

These are habits that I have never done in my life. But, seeing my friends are trying to speak English as best as they could, made me realize that I have to do that if I want to get better at English. I do daily reflection by myself in English, reading articles, and keep my own vocab.  It's been a month since I started all of them. I hope I can still be consistent in the future. By the way I also love writing this weekly reflection. I love blogging but I rarely spare my time for it. So thanks to Generasi Gigih who awakened my passion for blogging again.

3. Communicate

I always try to ask questions if I have something in my mind, and also speak my mind out when I am given chance to speak. This Generasi Gigih really taught me not to keep everything in my own mind but we have to speak our mind out. 

My confidence...

"In percentage, measure how your learning process in Generasi Gigih has improved your chance to be hired or employed in your aspired field?"

Let's say we need 100% to be hired in backend engineering. I think I have 68% now, 48% from my basic knowledge in college, and 20% from Generasi Gigih. The rest 33% is for me to build a good portfolio, CV, to develop my problem-solving skills, communication skills and improve my knowledge in this field. My college taught me so many things and I also had a part-time before in my college. But Generasi Gigih also plays important role in this thing.  I got insights from full-time employees' points of view, got tips and tricks for pursuing a career, learn to speak and write in English, build a new project from the final project, learn testing, clean code, and many more that will be useful for backend engineering.

A letter to myself...

Dear myself, you've worked hard this time. You finished your final project, did all the assignments and attended all the classes while you still have a thesis to finish. You are not a confident person but you have tried hard to give everything you can do and believe in yourself. You're still not a great programmer (yet), but this time you don't let that thought beat you. This time you really enjoyed the process and believe in all the things you've gone through. I know you can do so much better but you already did a good job. I am proud of you. Let's keep your enthusiasm and increase your confidence for your future career. I know you'll be a good backend engineer in the future. Aamiin.

Minggu, Agustus 15, 2021


 Hi, all welcome again to my blog! 

Welcome to the week 6 reflection. And I just got a package from generasi gigih yeayyy!!

Remember when I asked a question for other participants before? So for this week's reflection, I have to answer the chosen question from them.  Here they are!

How do you tackle burnout when learning about so many things in so little time?

To prevent burnout, I try hard to focus in-class time and take my rest time seriously. By doing so, I have much time outside the class but, I can still understand the materials. Understanding all materials in class is a minimum thing that we have to ensure. Yea but not everything runs smoothly, sometimes I have to explore more after the class because the time is not enough for us to discuss a question.

When I learn by myself, I try to enjoy everything I learn. I also always try to believe in the process. I know I have to do that if I want to get better. Sometimes, I am bored and overwhelmed by all the learning process either the materials are hard or it is just me feeling burnout. That time, I will take a quality rest (yes you have to make sure your rest time has a certain quality). 

By "certain quality" I mean we have to know whether the rest-activity drains our energy or increases it. For me, mindless scrolling our social media is one of the draining-energy activities. I really try to avoid that activity when I feel that I need to rest. I do something else that increases my energy such as a proper nap, eating, talking to my friends or family, and doing my hobby. But doing all of them too much or too long also will change them into draining-energy activities, so we have to know our limitations too. 

One of my hobbies: Playing with my cats :3 (you can see them on ig:mochin.family_)

I love to cook and I love eating. Food always brings me joy! Do you wanna try my churros?

Call with friends, thanks to you all who always listen to me! (you know who you are)

What do you think is so different and special about GenerasiGIGIH? 

Generasi Gigih is really really special for me. First, they really help me to be better not only in technical class but also in English and SoftSkill!! I really love to participate in every class they provide. We should really be grateful if we can experience this (FOR FREE)

My Career Readiness class with XLFL team as the speaker

Secondly, the time is so long so it requires us to be more consistent. It's been already 10 weeks since the first I joined the Gigih Beginner phase. If we want to end this Gigih well, we have to be tenacious and keep our spirit up until the end. 

Third, there are 3 phases in Gigih. I really like this concept.  We can start little by little, and climb up to the next phase. We don't need to be that expert just to enter Gigih but we have to make sure that we progress here and become more expert when we end the phase. It seems that everyone is given the same chance to fight, no matter how unfamiliar you are with technology. This concept also motivates me a lot to do my best in every step.

What is your effective method of learning? Especially during virtual learning classes.

1. You can see in my previous post that I always take notes when learning. It really helps me to remember the important thing from the class.  Not only take notes from the class but I also write important notes from my self-learning. By doing so, I save what I learn and I can also make sure that I understand something.

2. Hands-On! I always try to do the hands-on right after I read something or learn something. It is really hard to understand the abstract concept but you will know better if you do the hands-on. So in virtual learning classes, try to follow the hands-on part diligently. 

3. Use the Q&A session well. If you are not brave enough to ask something, listen carefully! Sometimes our problems are also everyone's problems. But, I really encourage you to ask the mentor about our problems. It's a rare and precious time to have a mentor by our side o.O

3. Spare time outside the class! Sometimes it is really hard to understand the materials only from class. It's okay, we only have to spare more time outside the class with exploring materials on the internet or having a discussion with our friends. I like to ask my friend who is more experienced than me to discuss something. 

Here are some recommendations to self-learn:
- Youtube (of course there are lots of tutorial videos there)
- HackerRank (practice your problem solving)
- TutorialsPoint
- Original Documentation
- Paperswithcode (for those who are willing to learn for research purposes)
- FreeCodeCamp

And.. challenge for another GenerasiGigih tagline


I really think everyone who is seriously participating in this event will get better in terms of skill. So GenerasiGigih is one path that we can choose to be better than ever.


Generasi Gigih feels like a game, it does also feel like an adventure. I sometimes feel like I am in a game where I have to do my best to reach the final checkpoint. The final checkpoint itself is a milestone where my skill gets better and I have more knowledge. So JourneyToExcellence describes the Genereasi Gigih well.

Sabtu, Agustus 07, 2021

Time flies so fast. There are already only 2 weeks left in this Intermediate phase. It means the Advanced phase is about to come (omg). This Intermediate phase felt like a game where we compete with each other to gain the most points. 
Every week we are supposed to get our points announced on the Xperience Board. The Xperience Board is the leaderboard of the points that I mentioned before.

 The xperience board header. 
Of course, I won't tell you the data because it contains private information (our points) hehe

Honestly, I didn't compete that much because my purpose for this phase is to learn and progress as much as possible.  But whenever the XP board is announced there is still a part of me that doesn't want to lose :(

How do I feel about the board?

My score is not very high but also not very low. It is in the middle. I got the points from attending all classes, doing all assignments, and actively participating in the class. I already did my best for attendance and assignments even though some assignments were out of my expectations. I feel satisfied enough with the result because I used to be very passive in other same kinds of events. At least I already made a progress. I actually pushed myself to ask or answer a question at least once every session. Yeah so, I'm proud of myself for doing that. But, if I remember my next target (to pass to the advanced phase), I feel kinda insecure.  

There will only be around 60 participants who can join the next phase. I don't know if I can change my position because everybody else is also full of ambition. And as I mentioned before I didn't really take this XP competition seriously because I have my own target. But if you want to pass to the next phase you do have to compete, right? I hope there will be an additional selection just like the previous phase. However, I will make the most of my last 2 weeks in this phase. There are still many things that I can work on to increase my position on the leaderboard. I can maximize my final project and assignment scores, and ask or answer more questions in class, and pray harder. I believe if I meant to pass this phase I will pass.

To those who made it to the top of the board...

I only want to say "Congratulations!". I am very proud of you. I've seen your effort and you deserve the honor. 

The top scorers have given their best efforts. Not only do they always ask and answer any questions, but they also helped other friends including me. So I think their sincere heart also helped them to gain points. And also I've seen some of them who always went the extra mile for their assignment for example they learned one material ahead and already applied the lesson that they weren't required to do. They inspired me to be more ambitious and always work hard for what I want. Hard work pays off.

To those who are struggling...

Keep your chin up, guys! For now, just accept where you are at now and reflect on it... Not everyone has to be the number one. Ask yourself what you want, if you are getting closer to it then you should proud of yourself. Don't think too much of the result, you only always have to do your best in every chance you have. We're in this together! Many nice friends are ready to answer our questions in discord, and we are always welcomed to ask any question in the class. No matter how shallow you think the question is, human is basically always happy to help each other. We have the right to ask anything. We still have 2 weeks remaining of class, there are still many things that can happen in 2 weeks :)) 

Hope we can get through this phase as well as we expected,



Minggu, Agustus 01, 2021


It's been already 4 weeks since the first class of Generasi Gigih. It's been such a fun and challenging journey. I already learned a lot from basic OOP Programming, HTTP Render and Routing, Databases, and the most challenging one for me.. Testing. Yup building a good test is a new thing for me. It's not only about understanding syntax or thinking to solve problems but we also have to be critical and able to predict the future, it's good if we could make tests that cover all of the problem cases.  

For the halfway through reflection, I got an interesting question template to answer. So I will write here based on the question.

How do I feel about these 4 weeks of experience?

I'm so grateful because I get to learn a lot of materials, not only technical materials but also English and career readiness materials. The learning process pushes me to explore more and increase my enthusiasm for backend engineering.  If the experience was a natural event, it would be a volcano eruption. The volcano eruption is a natural thing that must happen to balance the earth. Sometimes volcano eruption has a negative impact, like victims, building damages, etc. But it actually brings a positive impact in long term. It is similar to my struggle in Generasi Gigih, where sometimes I should sacrifice my dinner time, or my weekend to learn, finish assignments, or join a class. But I believe that worth sacrificing because the learning process itself will bring long term positive impact for me. In Generasi Gigih I also "explode", encouraged by other participants. Seeing them being so enthusiastic and hardworking influences me to improve my learning behaviour. They inspire me to be more enthusiastic in learning, persistent and always be thirsty for knowledge.

How much effort have I made in these 4 weeks?

On a  scale of 1-100, I have already given my 87% of the effort. 75% of following all the learning process well, 12% for doing the assignment.  I should have given 100% of my effort but I miss 10% because I don't think I did my best to explore more outside the class, the 3% rest is because I did not finish some of my assignments as I wanted to. From now on, I'll try to improve my effort. I will go the extra mile for finishing my assignments. Not only get satisfaction with the  "extra" result but I think it will also drive me to explore more. I want to be more curious. 

This is how my learning environment looks like during the class. I have to open at least 3 apps, Zoom, OneNote (for taking notes ofc), and Visual Studio Code. Sometimes it's hard when you have to listen to the mentor, while also coding, but you also want to take a note of the explanation haha. But I enjoy the learning process a lot.


That's all my reflection for these 4 weeks. I hope I can do better in the next 4 weeks! Well, there is another thing...

Dear other participants...

I want to ask, "How do you guys manage to be consistent in being so enthusiastic?"