Minggu, Agustus 01, 2021

Generasi Gigih #Halfway Through

It's been already 4 weeks since the first class of Generasi Gigih. It's been such a fun and challenging journey. I already learned a lot from basic OOP Programming, HTTP Render and Routing, Databases, and the most challenging one for me.. Testing. Yup building a good test is a new thing for me. It's not only about understanding syntax or thinking to solve problems but we also have to be critical and able to predict the future, it's good if we could make tests that cover all of the problem cases.  

For the halfway through reflection, I got an interesting question template to answer. So I will write here based on the question.

How do I feel about these 4 weeks of experience?

I'm so grateful because I get to learn a lot of materials, not only technical materials but also English and career readiness materials. The learning process pushes me to explore more and increase my enthusiasm for backend engineering.  If the experience was a natural event, it would be a volcano eruption. The volcano eruption is a natural thing that must happen to balance the earth. Sometimes volcano eruption has a negative impact, like victims, building damages, etc. But it actually brings a positive impact in long term. It is similar to my struggle in Generasi Gigih, where sometimes I should sacrifice my dinner time, or my weekend to learn, finish assignments, or join a class. But I believe that worth sacrificing because the learning process itself will bring long term positive impact for me. In Generasi Gigih I also "explode", encouraged by other participants. Seeing them being so enthusiastic and hardworking influences me to improve my learning behaviour. They inspire me to be more enthusiastic in learning, persistent and always be thirsty for knowledge.

How much effort have I made in these 4 weeks?

On a  scale of 1-100, I have already given my 87% of the effort. 75% of following all the learning process well, 12% for doing the assignment.  I should have given 100% of my effort but I miss 10% because I don't think I did my best to explore more outside the class, the 3% rest is because I did not finish some of my assignments as I wanted to. From now on, I'll try to improve my effort. I will go the extra mile for finishing my assignments. Not only get satisfaction with the  "extra" result but I think it will also drive me to explore more. I want to be more curious. 

This is how my learning environment looks like during the class. I have to open at least 3 apps, Zoom, OneNote (for taking notes ofc), and Visual Studio Code. Sometimes it's hard when you have to listen to the mentor, while also coding, but you also want to take a note of the explanation haha. But I enjoy the learning process a lot.


That's all my reflection for these 4 weeks. I hope I can do better in the next 4 weeks! Well, there is another thing...

Dear other participants...

I want to ask, "How do you guys manage to be consistent in being so enthusiastic?"

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